
Showing posts from 2021

King Dr. Robert Ebizimor, Hero Beyond The End of Time

Musical Maestro By: Gesikeme Akparakata King Robert Ebizimor, our father will forever live in our hearts, beyond time and space. In life, he was celebrated, beloved, very influential and the most famous musician in Ijaw land. To paraphrase Voltaire, the French writer, “The musical artist was the best of all his contemporaries”. To continue the metaphor, here was a man who lived larger than life, and his legacy lingers beyond death. And so when we remember his life’s work, rather than mourn, let’s celebrate and thank God for bringing such an iconic figure and father who changed our lives in more ways than one! And I mean the entire Ijaw race not just his biological children! And today we are so poised to ask, ‘ O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory!’ Interestingly, it is often said that a hero is someone who goes to war to kill or get killed. War heroes return home after enduring the trauma of battle, captivity, or torture. But what benefit does it make for one to t